Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Beginning..

Well, here I am on the blog now....
Before anything Title Courtesy- ALBERT EINSTEIN..I am a great admirer of this person, his works and his famous equation "e=m(c^2)".....

Initially was reluctant to create an Orkut account, but when created one was simply addicted to it.Used to break my head on slow internet connection at BEC to just check orkut account.

Created Facebook account in my 7th sem of engineering and cursed it," what the hell is this, orkut's cool"....Was so wrong, it took me another 2 yrs to figure out what Facebook really was and then just got crazy about it..There are days, when i don't call home but not a single day goes by without getting into facebook...

Story continues the same with Twitter..Created account (mainly due to the media hype it got)- forgot it-until Mohsin Khawas asked me to try it out saying its cool.Still have not figured it out fully, but yeah , It is cool...

Now on to blog now...I love writing, used to write in lengths during school essays etc..( No, i don't bore people)... I think I am quiet okay with my language and hope to improve further with your comments, suggestions and anything else..I am not one who writes imaginations, I can write only what I've seen, experienced and involved with....

Quiet excited to start with this blog thing...Your opinions are welcome in this regard..

Thank You for going through my lines....

Bye for now, till my next post..

Take care...Rajeev Kusugal...